Broadcast Radio Forums

Autotrack database 'Notes' field

By Andy Read - Monday, January 4, 2010 1:43:49 PM


Occasionally, I use the Audiowall Update facility within Autotrack to update song/jingle starts/extros etc from the Audiowall, but also back the other way to update Notes, as I tend to add chart information on the Notes field in Autotrack whilst scheduling.

However, I've noticed recently that there are no Notes on any cart on the audiowall. Is there a problem with the mapping of fields, or am I updating the wrong field?


By Peter Jarrett - Monday, April 18, 2011 3:28:10 PM

Hi All,

This is a problem with AutoTrack, even with .47 - it's writing the older legacy .RTF versions of the notes intead of the newer plain text version (becuase AutoTrack historically always tried to work with Myriad v2 as well)

We have tweaked this for the next release so should solve this, however we're holding off on this until we've heard back from about the other couple of issues that have been raised with .47 (i.e. Adding artists to groups and Updating AW Category information etc.)

Once we've had a look at the above then we should be able to put a build together.