Broadcast Radio Forums

The Boat That Rocked

By Peter Jarrett - Monday, April 6, 2009 10:14:44 AM

Well, P Squared all went out last night to see The Boat That Rocked - and we all without exception absolutely loved it.

If you haven't already been to see it then you really should go - the music is fantastic and you do get a fantastic sense of the camerarderie that must have existed on the boats in that great era.

For once, the representation of Radio was actually pretty good as well - though there are a couple of scenes where radio people will definitely wince!

Overall though, the 'morning after' score round here is a resounding 9.5 out of 10!

By paulmoore - Monday, January 16, 2012 8:24:49 PM

Agree, one of the best films ever for a laugh and for the radio stuff !!