Broadcast Radio Forums

Echo audio v7 Drivers

By Peter Jarrett - Monday, March 19, 2007 3:58:06 PM

Hello all,

Echo recently release v7 of their driver for all soundcards and we've been testing it out here to see what it's like in terms of stability.

As users of Echo cards know, you need to run in WDM mode if you want to use Auto-Hooks in Myriad or SmoothEdit. However, after several days or weeks of non-stop operation the PC can become unstable and eventually audio stops working from all channels.

We've now been running 2 computers with Mia cards running the v7 in WDM mode drivers for 5 and 6 weeks respectively without any of the normal problems - touch wood. This afternoon I set another computer going with an old Gina24 card, and i'm hoping in the next fortnight to be able to get a Layla3G going as well.

We would be very keen to know how others have got on with these drivers, so if anyone has a machine that they can use to test the drivers, please download them from and let us know how you get on.

Incidentally, after you install them, don't forget to turn off Sync-Wave-Devices Smile