Broadcast Radio Forums

New! Online Services Website

By Peter Jarrett - Monday, March 12, 2007 2:39:06 PM

Hello all,

Well, it's been a long time coming, but we now have an Online License site for those who are unable to connect to our license server because of firewalls or other restrictions (like, for example, not having internet access on the computer!)

Please note: This service is only available for P-SQUISH enabled products, older products still have to be manually licensed over the phone or via email. Users of AutoTrack v2.6.24 or earlier should therefore upgrade to v2.6.25 or higher as soon as possible.

You can access the server via where you see will 2 options:

  • Check Job Status Online: This allows you to see the progress of any orders you have placed with us. From now on, whenever you order something from us you will recieve a Job Number (i.e. J1234) which you can then use to track the order as it progresses through the system. If you have a job that is already in our systems, please email and they will give you the Job Reference. At present this doesn't display Tracking Information from couriers, though we are working on this.
  • License P-SQUISH Product Online: The big one - this allows you to relicense your product. You will need your License Name, Email address and of course the all important P-SQUISH code before you can obtain a license code.

If you have any suggestions, please let us know in the suggestion box via -