Scoop Edit v3Scoop Edit stores all of it's configuration settings in the Registry under the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\PSquared key
The key Windows that alter these settings are:
- Audio Setup
- Audio File Locations
- P Squared Directory Settings
- Scoop Program Settings
- License Code Details
These therefore include the file locations for the P Squared Contacts Directory, the Audiowall Locations, the Scoop Data Location and the other settings listed on the Scoop Settings Window.
All the settings under the Scoop Database Settings Window are stored in the Scoop Database itself in the Scoop Data Location.
The Customise Scoop options are all stored in your Personal Preferences section in the P Squared Contacts Directory located in the P Squared Contacts Directory File Location
Scoop Capture v3
All of the above also applies to Scoop Capture (though at present there is no Customise option in Scoop Capture) with the following additional settings:
- The Source Settings for each source are also stored in the registry key above. This is defined as any setting shown on the Source Settings Window, which therefore includes the location of the Config File to use for that source.
When you click the Advanced Source Configuration Button, you are actually then editing the Config file, therefore any settings in this window are stored in that Config File, not in any other location.
If you were to move Scoop Capture to an alternate pc, you would therefore need to take a copy of all the settings shown above for Scoop Capture, but also the Configuration Files as well to preserve any changes you have made to these.