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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 83, Visits: 475
Hi everyone,

I am thinking about adding an hourly news service to the station. I have dismissed IRN since they wanted a large pile of cash that was far greater than our PPL and PRS costs. I am now considering Feature Story News (FSN) which I understand is delivered via MP3. My question is, how would I automate the collection of the MP3, presumably via FTP, and have it added to the log at the top of each hour.

Any help would be gratefully received.


Gavin Davis
10 Years Ago by GavinD
James Hamilton
James Hamilton
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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 7, Visits: 42
Hi Gavin,

We do something similar to automatically replay recordings. This doesn't involve collecting files via FTP, but the Myriad side of it is reasonably straightforward.

Assuming the file is the same name each hour (i.e. BULLETIN.wav), it's just a case of making sure it ends up in the Myriad audio folder with a cart number (and make sure the cart exists at the right length of however many minutes).

Each hour, a simple batch script then just needs to run to rename BULLETIN.wav to the correct cart number. For example, if it's cart number 999 then the cart needs to be renamed to MYR00999.wav.

If you schedule with AutoTrack, you then just schedule Absolute Time markers for say xx:00:00 and xx:02:00 and between the two schedule the playout of cart 999.

I haven't used it so can't recommend it, but there's an Auto FTP Manager with auto-download function here:

It should be achievable. Obviously if your internet connection goes down or anything stops working, then you run the risk of broadcasting old news!


James Hamilton
Technical Officer - Radio Marsden
10 Years Ago by James Hamilton
David Boulton
David Boulton
Brand Manager - Broadcast Radio
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Group: Broadcast Radio
Posts: 562, Visits: 74K

Although what James says is true, you have to be a little careful with this method. If you replace the audio file underneath with out telling Myriad (via the User Interface, Command language or helper Application), when Myriad comes to cue the audio if it differs from the last time it saw it, then it will have to try to import it and update it's information - this added step can lead to a small delay before it plays. (thus not making your news sound as tight as you might want it :-(

So what you really want to do is, The Audiowall Auto Importer application (Charities get it bundled as part of the software pack), you can setup multiple imports, one of which can look at a specific folder, which has your bulletin.wav in it, and you can tell it to import it onto a specific cart number, in v4 Myriad's Auto Extro feature allows you to be able to use varying length audio.

Have a look at the screens for configuring the import groups - this can be a very powerful tool, (history and email notifications - so you can setup a gmail account specially to see the news pop in each hour).
If you don't have Auto Importer, please feel free to contact


David Boulton
Brand Manager
Broadcast Radio Ltd
Peter Jarrett
Peter Jarrett
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Group: Broadcast Radio
Posts: 1.8K, Visits: 3.7K
Hi All,

Just to reiterate as above - you should never replace a Myriad MYRxxxxx.wav file from outside of Myriad - it should always be done via a Myriad application - for example using the AudioWall, the Import Wizard, AutoTrack, Myriad AudioWall AutoImporter etc.

If you just replace the file using a script all hell can (and will!) break lose eventually - for example, if Myriad thinks that a Cart is 2mins long, and you replace its Audio with a 3 minute audio file, then Myriad will get 2 minutes into it and then fire the next item in the log - because as far as Myriad knew, the audio was 2 minutes long the last time it was edited.

Another common one is if someone deletes the cart from the AudioWall thinking "it's ok, it will get replaced next time the script runs" - then Myriad thinks the cart is blank (i.e. zero length) so will refuse to play it - even if the Audiofile has since magically appeared.

In almost all scenarios the AutoImporter is the ideal tool for this task because when it imports the content from an incoming audio folder, it will automatically update the cart on the AudioWall correctly with all the correct timings etc. and as David notes it can auto set Extros, set other captioning and other info and even email you to tell you if it failed or succeeded.

Also, the next release of Myriad (v4.0.19) also introduces a new edition "AutoImporter Pro" which can also add (or update) content in a Station Database as well - so for example a record company can send you a new song, and it will automatically imported onto the AudioWall doing normalisation etc. and also into an "Incoming" Category in AutoTrack ready for your review prior to scheduling it to air.  As always as soon as this is available we'll have more information on our website and pricing information to upgrade to this edition will be available from

Peter Jarrett, Technical Director
Broadcast Radio Ltd.

Bill Bailey: No win, no fee, no basis in reality. Just a room above a minicab office in Acton and a steady stream of greedy simpletons whose delusion is only matched by their clumsiness

Forum Sage
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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 83, Visits: 475
Thanks everyone.

It looks like Auto FTP Manager and the Audiowall Auto Importer will do exactly what I'm looking. I have a licence so I'll give it a go.


Gavin Davis

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